JS Wel introduced Bio- Sewage Treatment Plant which works upon the technology called “Phyco – Remediation” with AQUARITIN and BIORITIN. It is a new 4th Gen Nano-Biotechnology that can reduce nutrients (N &P) and reduce Dissolved Salts through biological pathways leading to much superior water quality at indeed lower costs. It promotes exponential growth of the beneficial diatoms algae. Diatoms are single-celled algae composed of a silica wall and are present in every water body. They are good indicators for scientists to observe rapid changes in water quality and nutrient conditions in any given water body. Further, these diatoms act on organic waste and increasing the oxygen levels of the water body, facilitating the growth of aquatic species and restoring the food chain in water naturally. 

These algae can photosynthesize in low light conditions and are the major phytoplankton at benthic levels. In photosynthesis they produce molecular scale (Pico, 10- 15) pure oxygen and consume nutrients, while sequestering carbon in their shells. Owing to the nano nutrient formulation embedded in nano-silica, Aquaritin enables diatoms to readily absorb nutrients thereby promoting growth. The intervention promotes two vital processes of river rejuvenation viz a higher level of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) that facilitates aquatic life and secondly the growth of aerobic bacteria that accelerates the digestion of untreated sewage entering the water channels. Aquaritin can be used to remediate lentic and lotic water bodies and is optimized for use in polluted ponds, rivers, canals, and similar irrigation channels.

In Bio- STP, this whole process takes part in the Aeration Pond, a constituent of Bio- STP After drawing waste water from polluted water body, it is passed through some major steps:-

 Bar Screen Chamber and Sedimentation Tank?

This chamber is having bar screens of different sizes to get rid of large objects, such as rags and plastics from wastewater following to this, it is passed through sedimentation tank, which allows suspended particles to settle out of waste water as it flows slowly through the tank, thereby providing some degree of purification.

 Aeration or Filter Feed Pond

After that process, that waste water is brought to Aeration Pond where it is dosed with Aquaritin WasteWater and Bioritin, also the aeration of this water is done here with the help of Air Diffuser Systems, Aerators and Fountains. This pond supplies this water to filters that’s why it is also called as Filter Feed Pond.

 Multigrade Filters and Activated Carbon Filters

In a Multigrade Filter or pressure sand filter, water is passed through multi-layers of filter media consisting of graded sand, pebbles, and gravel layers. The contaminants in the water are captured in the media bed and filtered water passes into the discharge manifold at the bottom of the tanks then it is passed through the Activated Carbon Filter, it works on the principle of adsorption; filter medium adsorbs or reacts with a pollutant molecule then filtered water is drained out Activated carbon which is used as a medium to remove contaminants is a natural material derived from coconut shell, lignite, bituminous coal, etc. further, activated by chemical or steam in the absence of oxygen with a high temperature around 1000°C. Specific contaminants can be removed by employing blends of various carbons.

 Storage Pond

After treatment water is stored here, fountains are installed in these pond to regulate the water then it is transferred to further channels. This water can be further released in water bodies as well as in many ways such as irrigation, construction, households, hospitals, parks, stadiums, institutes etc.

Bio- STP is better than conventional STPs as

  • Phyco- remediation induces molecular oxygen in the wastewater which supports rapid degradation of organic matter; it helps in the reducing the concentration of contaminants and undesirable components so that the water becomes fir for its desired end- use.
  • Very cost effective as the cost comes about 50% less than conventional STP, also the maintenance is very low.
  • Elimination of foul smell, also the Dissolved Oxygen increases due to molecular level aeration.
  • Balances the excess nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem by enabling the growth of diatoms.
  • Requires very less area as our product can work up to the depth of 5-6 meters, hence by increasing the depth of ponds we can save the area.
  • Requires very less manpower, electricity and machineries.
  • Very less Carbon Footprint as compared to conventional STPs.

 Can Bio- STP be an alternate of Conventional STPs?

Yes, of course. As we have clearly seen that Bio- STP is far better that conventional STP as it has many benefits. It can be a helping hand to save our water bodies which are in worst conditions. We can remediate lakes, ponds, rivers and drains having discharge of 15 MLD.
We did the same in Delhi Golf Club as they were struggling for good quality irrigation water. They were taking irrigation water from Okhla STP and Paying 60- 80 Lakhs per annum. Despite that the water quality of that treated water was not up to the mark resulting in deterioration of greens in Golf Course. Even the condition of their STP was really bad.
We treated the irrigation pond with our product and achieved good results but still the treated water was not adequate for course as the capacity of the pond was 1.8 Million Litres and the peak load in summers was 2.5 MLD. In order to achieve the requirement, we proposed a Bio- STP @ 3MLD in DGC After approval, erected and commissioned it. There, we are drawing waste water from the NDMC drain with the help of submersibles and also providing treated water @0.5 MLD to NDMC.

Happy clients, Happy life!

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