Scientific Papers

Scientific Papers
Our technologies are backed by cutting-edge research. Below are some of the external publications that support the scientific basis of our water treatment solutions.
Happy clients, Happy life!
Rated 4 out of 5
The National University of Malaysia (UKM) strongly recommend to state of Selangor Government to continue applying Aquabio Solution (Combination of Auaritin and Bioritin) via phycoremediation and bioremediation best practice for river water treatment. The recommendation is based on successful project on Water Treatment of Gong Holding Pond from 16th November 2020 till 9th November 2021.

Professor Dr. Azizan Ahmad
Rated 4 out of 5
I have never found a better product in my 15+ years of having a pond! Easy to use and helps create a healthy environment for my fish and all the other creatures who visit regularly. Thanks for making a product that works.!

Rated 4 out of 5
My pond has never stayed so clear even with extremely hot weather. I treat weekly and have had no loss of fish. I like my pond in a natural state so do not move sludge from bottom where tadpoles, eggs of dragonflies, etc. live. This treatment has not harmed them, and is so clear that I can see the veins on the leaves on the bottom! This is the best product I have ever found.

M.H Butts
Rated 4 out of 5
Our hotel has greatly benefited from Biortin and Aquaritin products. We saw a marked reduction in odor, stabilization of water quality parameters, and noticeable degradation of settled sludge within a week of using their products. Their organic Drain Cleaners and Multipurpose Cleaners are also safe and effective. We extend our gratitude to BBS and Dr. Sunny for their invaluable support and guidance.

ATMARAM - Olive Garden