Agriculture & Turf FAQ
In controlled experiments, analysis has shown a higher accumulation of Nitrogen in plants grown with nano fertilizer vs. conventional fertilizers.
Data suggests that about 40-70% of the Nitrogen in conventional applied fertilizers is lost to the environment and is not utilized by crops, which not only causes large economic and resource losses but is also is instrumental to environmental pollution.
Aquaritin is the only nanosilica product on the market. Its particle size is 1-30 nano meters. This allows the nutrients to penetrate the leaf and become available to the plant within minutes of application. Most other products on the market are 1000x bigger in particle size as compared to Aquaritin.
By adding Aquaritin to your program, you should expect to see a color response without surge growth.
At nanoscale, Aquaritin is over 60 times more concentrated as compared to conventional products. And that is 60x less product handling. Further, when added to the tank it enhances the efficacy of fertilizers, fungicides and PGRs by up to 30%.
While you would still need a slow release granular at the beginning of the season, Aquaritin 19 will deliver color, density and protection against biotic and abiotic stress through the playing season. No other supplemental applications are necessary and depending on the conditions, superintendents may be able to lower the total number of fairway applications.
At $29/acre, Aquaritin is at least half the cost of comparable product combos.
Silicon promotes greater photosynthesis, cell wall strength, plant rigidity, root development and water efficiency.
Nanosilica is known to enhance plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stress. Over time this can result in lowering the applications of fungicides and pesticides.
Aquaritin delivers bioavailable silicon in a micronized spray to boost the absorption of minerals. Aquaritin is a part of the greens program in at least 5 PGA tour courses. It is known to have increased density, improved green speeds without lowering HOC and above all maintain playability late into the day. All of this means happier repeat customers.
In controlled experiments, Si application increased biomass production, the rate of photosynthesis, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and C, N, P and Si accumulation, in addition to altering stoichiometric ratios (C:N, C:P, N:P and C:Si) in different parts of the plants. These results demonstrate that Si supply improved carbon use efficiency, directly influencing yield as well as C and nutrient cycling.
Silicon also performs physiological functions in plants whose role becomes more important under adverse environmental conditions, enhancing plants resistance to both abiotic and biotic challenges. Published data shows Si beneath cuticle/in cell walls provides a mechanical barrier, faster and stronger activation of defense genes and defense enzymes, antioxidant systems are also enhanced.
Organic and microbial fertilizers are the future of Indian agriculture because they restore soil health, enhance nutrient availability, and promote sustainable farming. Unlike chemical fertilizers, which degrade soil structure and microbial balance, organic and microbial options boost the population of beneficial microbes that facilitate nutrient cycling, improve water retention, and reduce the dependency on synthetic inputs. Studies indicate that microbial fertilizers can increase crop yields by 20–30% while reducing input costs by up to 25%. With India facing challenges like soil degradation (losing 5.3 billion tons of topsoil annually) and rising demand for residue-free food, these eco-friendly solutions are vital for improving productivity, maintaining environmental balance, and meeting global sustainability goals.
At Nano-scale, the nutrients penetrate the leaf and become available to the plant within minutes. Custom nanoscale systems use precision chemistry to achieve high-efficiency delivery of fertilizers. These active ingredients are encapsulated in a fashion similar to what happens in targeted drug delivery.
Easily tank mixes with all fertilizers, fungicides and PGRs.
High nutrient use efficiency – almost no runoff.
Ability to combine all nutrients in a single formulation without the risk of binding with other elements.
Superior biocompatibility with minimal impact on non-targeted organisms.
Smaller pack sizes leading to lower shipping costs and easier handling.
Plants often face significant challenges in obtaining an adequate nutrient supply due to their relative immobility. Nutrients at Nano-scale are mobile and translocate within the plants more readily. These Nano-nutrients are completely absorbed through the stomata openings within minutes (<20 minutes) which prevents run-off of in case of rainfall.
Agriculture & Turf FAQ
In controlled experiments, analysis has shown a higher accumulation of Nitrogen in plants grown with nano fertilizer vs. conventional fertilizers.
Data suggests that about 40-70% of the Nitrogen in conventional applied fertilizers is lost to the environment and is not utilized by crops, which not only causes large economic and resource losses but is also is instrumental to environmental pollution.
Aquaritin is the only nanosilica product on the market. Its particle size is 1-30 nano meters. This allows the nutrients to penetrate the leaf and become available to the plant within minutes of application. Most other products on the market are 1000x bigger in particle size as compared to Aquaritin.
By adding Aquaritin to your program, you should expect to see a color response without surge growth.
Silicon promotes greater photosynthesis, cell wall strength, plant rigidity, root development and water efficiency.
Nanosilica is known to enhance plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stress. Over time this can result in lowering the applications of fungicides and pesticides.
Aquaritin delivers bioavailable silicon in a micronized spray to boost the absorption of minerals. Aquaritin is a part of the greens program in at least 5 PGA tour courses. It is known to have increased density, improved green speeds without lowering HOC and above all maintain playability late into the day. All of this means happier repeat customers.
In controlled experiments, Si application increased biomass production, the rate of photosynthesis, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and C, N, P and Si accumulation, in addition to altering stoichiometric ratios (C:N, C:P, N:P and C:Si) in different parts of the plants. These results demonstrate that Si supply improved carbon use efficiency, directly influencing yield as well as C and nutrient cycling.
Silicon also performs physiological functions in plants whose role becomes more important under adverse environmental conditions, enhancing plants resistance to both abiotic and biotic challenges. Published data shows Si beneath cuticle/in cell walls provides a mechanical barrier, faster and stronger activation of defense genes and defense enzymes, antioxidant systems are also enhanced.
Organic and microbial fertilizers are the future of Indian agriculture because they restore soil health, enhance nutrient availability, and promote sustainable farming. Unlike chemical fertilizers, which degrade soil structure and microbial balance, organic and microbial options boost the population of beneficial microbes that facilitate nutrient cycling, improve water retention, and reduce the dependency on synthetic inputs. Studies indicate that microbial fertilizers can increase crop yields by 20–30% while reducing input costs by up to 25%. With India facing challenges like soil degradation (losing 5.3 billion tons of topsoil annually) and rising demand for residue-free food, these eco-friendly solutions are vital for improving productivity, maintaining environmental balance, and meeting global sustainability goals.
Agriculture & Turf FAQ
1.Why to choose Aq Nano vs. conventional ?
In controlled experiments, analysis has shown a higher accumulation of Nitrogen in plants grown with nano fertilizer vs. conventional fertilizers.
Data suggests that about 40-70% of the Nitrogen in conventional applied fertilizers is lost to the environment and is not utilized by crops, which not only causes large economic and resource losses but is also is instrumental to environmental pollution.
Aquaritin is the only nanosilica product on the market. Its particle size is 1-30 nano meters. This allows the nutrients to penetrate the leaf and become available to the plant within minutes of application. Most other products on the market are 1000x bigger in particle size as compared to Aquaritin.
By adding Aquaritin to your program, you should expect to see a color response without surge growth.
2. Does Aq Nano really saves money ?
At nanoscale, Aquaritin is over 60 times more concentrated as compared to conventional products. And that is 60x less product handling. Further, when added to the tank it enhances the efficacy of fertilizers, fungicides and PGRs by up to 30%.
While you would still need a slow release granular at the beginning of the season, Aquaritin 19 will deliver color, density and protection against biotic and abiotic stress through the playing season. No other supplemental applications are necessary and depending on the conditions, superintendents may be able to lower the total number of fairway applications.
At $29/acre, Aquaritin is at least half the cost of comparable product combos.
3. Why should we choose silica based nutrients for plants?
Silicon promotes greater photosynthesis, cell wall strength, plant rigidity, root development and water efficiency.
Nanosilica is known to enhance plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stress. Over time this can result in lowering the applications of fungicides and pesticides.
Aquaritin delivers bioavailable silicon in a micronized spray to boost the absorption of minerals. Aquaritin is a part of the greens program in at least 5 PGA tour courses. It is known to have increased density, improved green speeds without lowering HOC and above all maintain playability late into the day. All of this means happier repeat customers.
In controlled experiments, Si application increased biomass production, the rate of photosynthesis, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and C, N, P and Si accumulation, in addition to altering stoichiometric ratios (C:N, C:P, N:P and C:Si) in different parts of the plants. These results demonstrate that Si supply improved carbon use efficiency, directly influencing yield as well as C and nutrient cycling.
Silicon also performs physiological functions in plants whose role becomes more important under adverse environmental conditions, enhancing plants resistance to both abiotic and biotic challenges. Published data shows Si beneath cuticle/in cell walls provides a mechanical barrier, faster and stronger activation of defense genes and defense enzymes, antioxidant systems are also enhanced.
4. Why Is Organic and Microbial Fertilizer the Future of Agriculture in India?
Organic and microbial fertilizers are the future of Indian agriculture because they restore soil health, enhance nutrient availability, and promote sustainable farming. Unlike chemical fertilizers, which degrade soil structure and microbial balance, organic and microbial options boost the population of beneficial microbes that facilitate nutrient cycling, improve water retention, and reduce the dependency on synthetic inputs. Studies indicate that microbial fertilizers can increase crop yields by 20–30% while reducing input costs by up to 25%. With India facing challenges like soil degradation (losing 5.3 billion tons of topsoil annually) and rising demand for residue-free food, these eco-friendly solutions are vital for improving productivity, maintaining environmental balance, and meeting global sustainability goals.
5.Why Nano-technology
At Nano-scale, the nutrients penetrate the leaf and become available to the plant within minutes. Custom nanoscale systems use precision chemistry to achieve high-efficiency delivery of fertilizers. These active ingredients are encapsulated in a fashion similar to what happens in targeted drug delivery.
Easily tank mixes with all fertilizers, fungicides and PGRs.
High nutrient use efficiency – almost no runoff.
Ability to combine all nutrients in a single formulation without the risk of binding with other elements.
Superior biocompatibility with minimal impact on non-targeted organisms.
Smaller pack sizes leading to lower shipping costs and easier handling.
Plants often face significant challenges in obtaining an adequate nutrient supply due to their relative immobility. Nutrients at Nano-scale are mobile and translocate within the plants more readily. These Nano-nutrients are completely absorbed through the stomata openings within minutes (<20 minutes) which prevents run-off of in case of rainfall.
Water FAQ
Phyto remediation uses plants to supply oxygen & their roots to absorb the pollutants. The process works theoretically, but practically for obvious reasons it is very slow. ie the number of plants would max 100-200-1000, against this Diatom algae that are in millions. Oxygen generation is very less and requires sunlight and more time, as against Diatom algae, which generates copious amount in low light in relation to its microscopic size. Lastly in flowing water plants are in effective & also unable to reduce metals. Diatom algae on the other hand are microscopic allowing for rapid 1-2 hrs intervention.
PhyTo Remediation is more closely associated with terrestrial environments and is effective in addressing land-based pollution issues.
PhyCo Remediation is algae based, known for their rapid growth rates, allowing for quicker responses to contamination and potentially faster remediation for flowing water.
Adaptability: Wide Range of Conditions: Algae exhibit adaptability to diverse environmental conditions, including variations in salinity, pH, and nutrient levels.
Bioaccumulation Potential:
High Bioaccumulation: Algae, due to their high surface area and biomass production, can accumulate contaminants at concentrations higher than those in the surrounding water.
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Assimilation: Algae contribute to carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus sequestration, aiding in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts.
It would be wrong to say Bioremediation does not work, as it is the same base technology used in all STP’s today, i.e. allow bacteria to absorb pollutants, the STP mainly adds 21% oxygen & increases surface area for this bacteria to grow. In polluted drains there is negligible oxygen in the water for bacteria to survive, no matter how much culture is applied. The bacteria floats always & even if it does absorb the little oxygen there is, it only reduces the levels further in the absence of any natural Oxygen generation or replenishment.
Bio remediation is achievable to some levels within STP plants where only 21% oxygen is pumped through water. STP Technology continuously works to improve absorption of Oxygen, Increase of surface area & reduction of bubble size.
Our intervention using Nanotech Aquaritin Nutrients is called Phyco-Remediation. Aquaritin is used to generate molecular photosynthetic oxygen through synthesis of Diatoms.
– Diatoms, as brown algae, excel in oxygenation.
– Their photosynthetic process yields pure oxygen at 100%, surpassing the 21% in typical aeration.
– The oxygen produced is not only pure but also highly reactive and nascent.
– Diatom-generated oxygen persists for 1-2 months, unlike conventional aeration where bubbles collapse quickly.
– Operates on a molecular scale, smaller than the micron scale in regular aeration processes.
This leads to a huge increase in “Aeration Efficiency”. Diatoms are generally 70% benthic. That is the reason they do not flow out even in high velocity water channels as water velocity nears “Zero” in the benthic zone due to “Boundary Effect”.
The keyword here is ‘Diatom algae’ which is a natural generator of 100% Concentrated molecular Oxygen at benthic levels of any water body, so it does not float away and remains attached to the benthic areas. This Diatom algae is already pre-existing in any wastewater sample, and not to be mistaken with the harmful Blue green algae seen on ponds. Diatom algae can Rapidly photo synthesize at low light conditions & create 100% concentrated oxygen when we add our special Nano nutrients to the water, which is basically their food to multiply rapidly. Due to high availability of oxygen, the dormant bacteria in the water get highly activated to consume the pollutants. We are simply supplementing the nutrients for the existing diatoms in the water column to encourage their growth and multiplication, leveraging the nutrients naturally present for diatom development.
We specialize in flowing water mainly and that is why it is only Diatom algae (Golden Brown Algae) that can help with cleaning. Unlike Blue-Green Algae and Green Algae, these friendly Diatom algae are found in the benthic zone of any water channel where the current is minimal and allows them to stay static. They attach themselves to bottom and side surfaces to create colonies, that ensures oxygen supply for bacteria over a stretch of water. Benthic diatoms primarily attach to substrates immersed in water and are sessile.
All pigment colors together form black colour. Water absorbs all the colours as it mixed with waste, and as going longer it turns to be black at the end. The sewage water since it contains a lot of organic matter, ammonia, nitrates, phosphates etc, is a rich source of nutrients for microbes. They feed on the nutrients in the water converting them into various bi-products. It is the compounds present in the water and the microbes that feed on them that makes the water black. Bio-waste is reduced to hydrocarbon once nitrogenous part is digested & purged out as ammonia. Solid hydrocarbon is stable and opaque to visible light whence it is dark/black.
We’ve engineered a unique bacterial consortium tailored for breaking down solid hydrocarbons, tackling complex compounds like oil, grease, PAH, API, and plating industry effluents. These microbes excel at swiftly degrading solid hydrocarbons and sludge, especially in environments rich in dissolved oxygen. Expect a significant noticeable color improvement within the initial three months.
Phycoremediation is defined as the “use of algae to treat wastes or wastewaters”. The algae comprise both the microalgae as well as the marine macroalgae more commonly known as the seaweeds. The algae are distributed widely throughout the earth and have adapted to a diversity of habitats. This has also allowed the algae to develop wide tolerance to environmental conditions including nutrient levels. This advantage led to the wide use of the algae in bioremediation of wastes, resulting in treated waters as well as the production of a useful biomass which can serve as feedstock for a diversity of valuable products, including food, feed, fertiliser, pharmaceuticals and of late, biofuel. The algae remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and have the potential to be a carbon reducing system when combined with production of biofuel and integrated with waste remediation. In addition, microalgae have the capability of removing environmental toxicants such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons and pesticides through various mechanisms, ranging from biosorption, bioconcentration, biotransformation to volatisation. With the advent of molecular and functional genomic tools, there has been active research that aims to improve algal strains for bioremediation by enhancing their photosynthetic efficiency, adaptability and tolerance to harsh environment, and ability to detoxify pollutants such as heavy metals in wastewater.
Aquaritin can be used in all kinds of water-bodies that have been polluted by episodal events and even those that are affected by continuing pollution. Few examples are as follows:
a. Lakes and Ponds affected by pollution
b. Rivers and Streams affected by waterborne pollution
c. Lakes affected by HABs
d. Water bodies impacted by Industrial pollution threatening aquatic life.
e. Drinking water reservoirs,
f. Zoo lakes
g. Wetlands
h. Industrial wastewater in support of aeration
i. In Wastewater treatment plants that may be affected by deficit aeration
j. Venues for water sports of prestigious nature
k. In support of drinking water for animals and birds.
No, Aquaritin is not a chemical product. It is a nano-based nutrient solution, formulated with unique blend of 13+ nano nutrients. These nutrients are designed to enhance water quality in polluted rivers, drains, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs by fostering the growth of native diatoms.
Diatoms play a crucial role in phycoremediation, a natural process where they absorb pollutants and improve water health. Aquaritin serves as a nutrient feed, boosting the native diatom population and supporting the ecosystem’s self-cleaning capabilities.
Phycoremediation and phytoremediation both refer to environmental cleanup processes using living organisms, but they differ primarily in the organisms involved. Phytoremediation employs higher plants (like trees and shrubs) to remove, degrade, or stabilize pollutants from the soil and water. In contrast, phycoremediation specifically utilizes algae to achieve similar outcomes, often targeting nutrients and toxic substances in aquatic systems or wastewater.
Higher Efficiency in Aquatic Systems:Phycoremediation is more effective in water bodies due to algae’s direct interaction with dissolved pollutants, leading to faster remediation.
Compact and Scalable:Algae require less space to thrive, making phycoremediation more suitable for dense urban areas or large-scale aquatic applications.
Continuous Oxygenation:Algae release oxygen during photosynthesis, improving water quality and supporting aquatic life, whereas plants may not significantly aerate water.
Rapid Reproduction and Growth:
Algae reproduce faster than plants, ensuring quicker pollutant uptake and system recovery.
Algae-based systems often have lower installation and maintenance costs compared to phytoremediation projects, which may require planting, irrigation, and long-term care.
Adaptable to Extreme Conditions:
Algae can survive in a wide range of environments, including polluted water bodies where plants might struggle.
No Land Use Conflict:
Phycoremediation does not require arable land, avoiding competition with agriculture or urban development.
The speed of phycoremediation depends on several factors, such as the type and concentration of pollutants, water conditions, and the algae species used. However, phycoremediation is generally considered faster than phytoremediation due to algae’s rapid growth and high metabolic activity. Here’s an approximate timeline under optimal conditions:
Timeframe for Phycoremediation
Visible Results (2–7 Days):
-Algae populations begin to grow noticeably, especially diatoms, when provided with nutrients like those in nano-nutrient solutions.
-Initial reductions in nutrient concentrations (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) can be observed.
Significant Pollutant Reduction (2–4 Weeks):
-Nutrient levels decrease substantially as algae absorb them to grow.
-Dissolved oxygen levels improve, enhancing aquatic health
-Suspended solids and turbidity often reduce as algae settle or interact with particulates.
Full Remediation Impact (1–3 Months):
-Heavy metals, toxins, and other pollutants can be reduced significantly, depending on initial contamination levels.
-Algal blooms stabilize, promoting ecological balance.
Factors Influencing Speed:Pollutant Type and Concentration:Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus are reduced faster compared to heavy metals or organic toxins.
Water Temperature and Sunlight:Optimal light and temperature (25–35°C for most algae) enhance photosynthesis and growth.
Algal Strain:Diatoms and other fast-growing microalgae with high pollutant uptake rates speed up the process.
Supplementation:Adding nano-nutrients (e.g., Aquaritin) accelerates diatom proliferation and efficiency.
Under favorable conditions, phycoremediation can deliver substantial water quality improvements in weeks rather than months, making it a highly effective solution for polluted aquatic ecosystems.
Phycoremediation and bioremediation work synergistically to reduce sludge in wastewater by leveraging algae and microorganisms’ complementary roles. This combination enhances pollutant breakdown, sludge digestion, and overall wastewater quality. Here’s how they work together:
Oxygen Supply: Algae in phycoremediation produce oxygen via photosynthesis, creating ideal conditions for aerobic microbes to break down sludge.
Nutrient Recycling: Algae uptake excess nutrients that would otherwise sustain unwanted microbial populations contributing to sludge formation.
Enhanced Microbial Activity:The oxygen and nutrients provided by algae boost the activity and population of beneficial microbes in bioremediation.
Accelerated Decomposition:Algae and microbes collectively degrade organic matter, reducing sludge faster than either process alone.
Reduction in Pathogens:Algal oxygenation and microbial competition inhibit pathogen growth, improving water quality and reducing sludge’s harmfulness.
Foul odor indicates lack of oxygen and sludge build up at the bottom of your pond. Under such conditions, anaerobic bacteria become active in consuming the sludge while releasing H2S (hydrogen sulfide) gas in the process. This H2S gas has the “rotten egg smell” that you are noticing.
Within a day or two of dosing Aquaritin, your entire pond will be oxygenated by the diatoms that Aquaritin promotes. Aerobic bacteria will replace anaerobic bacteria and bad odor will be eliminated.
There are many valid reasons to use Aquaritin in water bodies. The most important ofcourse is to
urgently save aquatic life when threatened by episodal municipal or industrial pollution.
- It is also used when Ammonia, Mn and Fe, algae or Geosmin rise due to pollution in drinking water sources like rivers and reservoirs. Many of our Clients also use Aquaritin in lakes and ponds during development of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) like BGA. Besides these major episodal events, Aquaritin is also used in “Continuing Pollution” scenarios where pollution may be happening on continual basis. Few of the benefits with the use of Aquaritin are as follows:
Immediate enhancement of Dissolved Oxygen, lack of which may be causing death of fish through asphyxiation in a particular water body or part of it. - Arrest release of toxins like Microcystis which may be leading to mass fish kills.
- Mitigating industrial pollution, especially from heavy metals which may have found their way into a natural water body and causing death of aquatic life.
- Mitigating harmful bacteria in water, like E Coli.
- Immediate reduction of Ammonia levels where elevated levels maybe threatening aquatic life.
- Reduction in Foul smell inconveniencing community or threatening health of the riparian community.
- Reduction of algae in drinking water sources that may be interfering with water intakes, elevated Fe and Mn levels, or Geosmin, or any Off Colour and Off taste ssues.
- Reduce toxic sludge.
- Reduction of aquatic weeds which may be choking aquatic life.
- Improving turbidity and colour where in it is affecting water borne activities. Dosing ahead of prestigious waterborne events like Olympic/Nationals kayaking etc.
We don’t claim to make the metals vanish, we only confirm as supported by many studies on Diatom algae and their capability of Heavy metal reduction. According to these studies, metals are absorbed and reduced to less dangerous forms, like Cr +6 is reduced to Cr +3 . Considering it Scientific Principle of reduction of heavy metals Diatoms are also known to fix heavy metals like lead in their EPS (Extracellular Polymeric Substances) through various processes such as passive adsorption and active assimilation with an emphasis on extracellular and intracellular mechanisms involved in contaminant uptake through the frustules for preventing heavy metal toxicity. Cr and Cr +3 are considered nontoxic and non-carcinogenic or possess only low toxicity. Moreover, in trace concentrations, Cr +3 is even an essential element for life. The Diatoms and microbes convert the valent states of heavy metals from toxic to non-toxic (For example, from Cr +6 to Cr +3 ), thus Bio magnification into the human chain is less of a concern.
Water FAQ
Phyto remediation using plants also been tried and not successful, how are you any different?
Phyto remediation uses plants to supply oxygen & their roots to absorb the pollutants. The process works theoretically, but practically for obvious reasons it is very slow. ie the number of plants would max 100-200-1000, against this Diatom algae that are in millions. Oxygen generation is very less and requires sunlight and more time, as against Diatom algae, which generates copious amount in low light in relation to its microscopic size. Lastly in flowing water plants are in effective & also unable to reduce metals. Diatom algae on the other hand are microscopic allowing for rapid 1-2 hrs intervention.
PhyTo Remediation is more closely associated with terrestrial environments and is effective in addressing land-based pollution issues.
PhyCo Remediation is algae based, known for their rapid growth rates, allowing for quicker responses to contamination and potentially faster remediation for flowing water.
Adaptability: Wide Range of Conditions: Algae exhibit adaptability to diverse environmental conditions, including variations in salinity, pH, and nutrient levels.
Bioaccumulation Potential:
High Bioaccumulation: Algae, due to their high surface area and biomass production, can accumulate contaminants at concentrations higher than those in the surrounding water.
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Assimilation: Algae contribute to carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus sequestration, aiding in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts.
Bio remediation does not work, the bacteria culture floats away, how do we know your solution does not also float away?
It would be wrong to say Bioremediation does not work, as it is the same base technology used in all STP’s today, i.e. allow bacteria to absorb pollutants, the STP mainly adds 21% oxygen & increases surface area for this bacteria to grow. In polluted drains there is negligible oxygen in the water for bacteria to survive, no matter how much culture is applied. The bacteria floats always & even if it does absorb the little oxygen there is, it only reduces the levels further in the absence of any natural Oxygen generation or replenishment.
Bio remediation is achievable to some levels within STP plants where only 21% oxygen is pumped through water. STP Technology continuously works to improve absorption of Oxygen, Increase of surface area & reduction of bubble size.
Our intervention using Nanotech Aquaritin Nutrients is called Phyco-Remediation. Aquaritin is used to generate molecular photosynthetic oxygen through synthesis of Diatoms.
– Diatoms, as brown algae, excel in oxygenation.
– Their photosynthetic process yields pure oxygen at 100%, surpassing the 21% in typical aeration.
– The oxygen produced is not only pure but also highly reactive and nascent.
– Diatom-generated oxygen persists for 1-2 months, unlike conventional aeration where bubbles collapse quickly.
– Operates on a molecular scale, smaller than the micron scale in regular aeration processes.
This leads to a huge increase in “Aeration Efficiency”. Diatoms are generally 70% benthic. That is the reason they do not flow out even in high velocity water channels as water velocity nears “Zero” in the benthic zone due to “Boundary Effect”.
How is your technology any different, as it also involves bacteria & Diatom algae?
The keyword here is ‘Diatom algae’ which is a natural generator of 100% Concentrated molecular Oxygen at benthic levels of any water body, so it does not float away and remains attached to the benthic areas. This Diatom algae is already pre-existing in any wastewater sample, and not to be mistaken with the harmful Blue green algae seen on ponds. Diatom algae can Rapidly photo synthesize at low light conditions & create 100% concentrated oxygen when we add our special Nano nutrients to the water, which is basically their food to multiply rapidly. Due to high availability of oxygen, the dormant bacteria in the water get highly activated to consume the pollutants. We are simply supplementing the nutrients for the existing diatoms in the water column to encourage their growth and multiplication, leveraging the nutrients naturally present for diatom development.
Why doesn’t your Diatom algae float away like bacteria?
We specialize in flowing water mainly and that is why it is only Diatom algae (Golden Brown Algae) that can help with cleaning. Unlike Blue-Green Algae and Green Algae, these friendly Diatom algae are found in the benthic zone of any water channel where the current is minimal and allows them to stay static. They attach themselves to bottom and side surfaces to create colonies, that ensures oxygen supply for bacteria over a stretch of water. Benthic diatoms primarily attach to substrates immersed in water and are sessile.
How do you address the black colour of water?
All pigment colors together form black colour. Water absorbs all the colours as it mixed with waste, and as going longer it turns to be black at the end. The sewage water since it contains a lot of organic matter, ammonia, nitrates, phosphates etc, is a rich source of nutrients for microbes. They feed on the nutrients in the water converting them into various bi-products. It is the compounds present in the water and the microbes that feed on them that makes the water black. Bio-waste is reduced to hydrocarbon once nitrogenous part is digested & purged out as ammonia. Solid hydrocarbon is stable and opaque to visible light whence it is dark/black.
We’ve engineered a unique bacterial consortium tailored for breaking down solid hydrocarbons, tackling complex compounds like oil, grease, PAH, API, and plating industry effluents. These microbes excel at swiftly degrading solid hydrocarbons and sludge, especially in environments rich in dissolved oxygen. Expect a significant noticeable color improvement within the initial three months.
What is Phycoremediation?
Phycoremediation is defined as the “use of algae to treat wastes or wastewaters”. The algae comprise both the microalgae as well as the marine macroalgae more commonly known as the seaweeds. The algae are distributed widely throughout the earth and have adapted to a diversity of habitats. This has also allowed the algae to develop wide tolerance to environmental conditions including nutrient levels. This advantage led to the wide use of the algae in bioremediation of wastes, resulting in treated waters as well as the production of a useful biomass which can serve as feedstock for a diversity of valuable products, including food, feed, fertiliser, pharmaceuticals and of late, biofuel. The algae remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and have the potential to be a carbon reducing system when combined with production of biofuel and integrated with waste remediation. In addition, microalgae have the capability of removing environmental toxicants such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons and pesticides through various mechanisms, ranging from biosorption, bioconcentration, biotransformation to volatisation. With the advent of molecular and functional genomic tools, there has been active research that aims to improve algal strains for bioremediation by enhancing their photosynthetic efficiency, adaptability and tolerance to harsh environment, and ability to detoxify pollutants such as heavy metals in wastewater.
Where can Aquaritin Water products be used ?
Aquaritin can be used in all kinds of water-bodies that have been polluted by episodal events and even those that are affected by continuing pollution. Few examples are as follows:
a. Lakes and Ponds affected by pollution
b. Rivers and Streams affected by waterborne pollution
c. Lakes affected by HABs
d. Water bodies impacted by Industrial pollution threatening aquatic life.
e. Drinking water reservoirs,
f. Zoo lakes
g. Wetlands
h. Industrial wastewater in support of aeration
i. In Wastewater treatment plants that may be affected by deficit aeration
j. Venues for water sports of prestigious nature
k. In support of drinking water for animals and birds.
Is Aquaritin Chemical?
No, Aquaritin is not a chemical product. It is a nano-based nutrient solution, formulated with unique blend of 13+ nano nutrients. These nutrients are designed to enhance water quality in polluted rivers, drains, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs by fostering the growth of native diatoms.
Diatoms play a crucial role in phycoremediation, a natural process where they absorb pollutants and improve water health. Aquaritin serves as a nutrient feed, boosting the native diatom population and supporting the ecosystem’s self-cleaning capabilities.
What is the difference between phycoremediation and phytoremediation?
Phycoremediation and phytoremediation both refer to environmental cleanup processes using living organisms, but they differ primarily in the organisms involved. Phytoremediation employs higher plants (like trees and shrubs) to remove, degrade, or stabilize pollutants from the soil and water. In contrast, phycoremediation specifically utilizes algae to achieve similar outcomes, often targeting nutrients and toxic substances in aquatic systems or wastewater.
Why is Phycoremediation Better than Phytoremediation?
Higher Efficiency in Aquatic Systems:Phycoremediation is more effective in water bodies due to algae’s direct interaction with dissolved pollutants, leading to faster remediation.
Compact and Scalable:Algae require less space to thrive, making phycoremediation more suitable for dense urban areas or large-scale aquatic applications.
Continuous Oxygenation:Algae release oxygen during photosynthesis, improving water quality and supporting aquatic life, whereas plants may not significantly aerate water.
Rapid Reproduction and Growth:
Algae reproduce faster than plants, ensuring quicker pollutant uptake and system recovery.
Algae-based systems often have lower installation and maintenance costs compared to phytoremediation projects, which may require planting, irrigation, and long-term care.
Adaptable to Extreme Conditions:
Algae can survive in a wide range of environments, including polluted water bodies where plants might struggle.
No Land Use Conflict:
Phycoremediation does not require arable land, avoiding competition with agriculture or urban development.
How fast does phycoremediation work?
The speed of phycoremediation depends on several factors, such as the type and concentration of pollutants, water conditions, and the algae species used. However, phycoremediation is generally considered faster than phytoremediation due to algae’s rapid growth and high metabolic activity. Here’s an approximate timeline under optimal conditions:
Timeframe for Phycoremediation
Visible Results (2–7 Days):
-Algae populations begin to grow noticeably, especially diatoms, when provided with nutrients like those in nano-nutrient solutions.
-Initial reductions in nutrient concentrations (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) can be observed.
Significant Pollutant Reduction (2–4 Weeks):
-Nutrient levels decrease substantially as algae absorb them to grow.
-Dissolved oxygen levels improve, enhancing aquatic health
-Suspended solids and turbidity often reduce as algae settle or interact with particulates.
Full Remediation Impact (1–3 Months):
-Heavy metals, toxins, and other pollutants can be reduced significantly, depending on initial contamination levels.
-Algal blooms stabilize, promoting ecological balance.
Factors Influencing Speed:
Pollutant Type and Concentration:Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus are reduced faster compared to heavy metals or organic toxins.
Water Temperature and Sunlight:Optimal light and temperature (25–35°C for most algae) enhance photosynthesis and growth.
Algal Strain:Diatoms and other fast-growing microalgae with high pollutant uptake rates speed up the process.
Supplementation:Adding nano-nutrients (e.g., Aquaritin) accelerates diatom proliferation and efficiency.
Under favorable conditions, phycoremediation can deliver substantial water quality improvements in weeks rather than months, making it a highly effective solution for polluted aquatic ecosystems.
How does it work on sludge?
Phycoremediation and bioremediation work synergistically to reduce sludge in wastewater by leveraging algae and microorganisms’ complementary roles. This combination enhances pollutant breakdown, sludge digestion, and overall wastewater quality. Here’s how they work together:
Oxygen Supply: Algae in phycoremediation produce oxygen via photosynthesis, creating ideal conditions for aerobic microbes to break down sludge.
Nutrient Recycling: Algae uptake excess nutrients that would otherwise sustain unwanted microbial populations contributing to sludge formation.
Enhanced Microbial Activity:The oxygen and nutrients provided by algae boost the activity and population of beneficial microbes in bioremediation.
Accelerated Decomposition:Algae and microbes collectively degrade organic matter, reducing sludge faster than either process alone.
Reduction in Pathogens:Algal oxygenation and microbial competition inhibit pathogen growth, improving water quality and reducing sludge’s harmfulness.
How does Aquaritin helps to get rid of foul odor?
Foul odor indicates lack of oxygen and sludge build up at the bottom of your pond. Under such conditions, anaerobic bacteria become active in consuming the sludge while releasing H2S (hydrogen sulfide) gas in the process. This H2S gas has the “rotten egg smell” that you are noticing.
Within a day or two of dosing Aquaritin, your entire pond will be oxygenated by the diatoms that Aquaritin promotes. Aerobic bacteria will replace anaerobic bacteria and bad odor will be eliminated.
When to use Aquaritin? What kind of water pollution?
There are many valid reasons to use Aquaritin in water bodies. The most important ofcourse is to
urgently save aquatic life when threatened by episodal municipal or industrial pollution.
- It is also used when Ammonia, Mn and Fe, algae or Geosmin rise due to pollution in drinking water sources like rivers and reservoirs. Many of our Clients also use Aquaritin in lakes and ponds during development of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) like BGA. Besides these major episodal events, Aquaritin is also used in “Continuing Pollution” scenarios where pollution may be happening on continual basis. Few of the benefits with the use of Aquaritin are as follows:
Immediate enhancement of Dissolved Oxygen, lack of which may be causing death of fish through asphyxiation in a particular water body or part of it. - Arrest release of toxins like Microcystis which may be leading to mass fish kills.
- Mitigating industrial pollution, especially from heavy metals which may have found their way into a natural water body and causing death of aquatic life.
- Mitigating harmful bacteria in water, like E Coli.
- Immediate reduction of Ammonia levels where elevated levels maybe threatening aquatic life.
- Reduction in Foul smell inconveniencing community or threatening health of the riparian community.
- Reduction of algae in drinking water sources that may be interfering with water intakes, elevated Fe and Mn levels, or Geosmin, or any Off Colour and Off taste ssues.
- Reduce toxic sludge.
- Reduction of aquatic weeds which may be choking aquatic life.
- Improving turbidity and colour where in it is affecting water borne activities. Dosing ahead of prestigious waterborne events like Olympic/Nationals kayaking etc.
Metals are already in the water; how can they vanish using your product?
We don’t claim to make the metals vanish, we only confirm as supported by many studies on Diatom algae and their capability of Heavy metal reduction. According to these studies, metals are absorbed and reduced to less dangerous forms, like Cr +6 is reduced to Cr +3 . Considering it Scientific Principle of reduction of heavy metals Diatoms are also known to fix heavy metals like lead in their EPS (Extracellular Polymeric Substances) through various processes such as passive adsorption and active assimilation with an emphasis on extracellular and intracellular mechanisms involved in contaminant uptake through the frustules for preventing heavy metal toxicity. Cr and Cr +3 are considered nontoxic and non-carcinogenic or possess only low toxicity. Moreover, in trace concentrations, Cr +3 is even an essential element for life. The Diatoms and microbes convert the valent states of heavy metals from toxic to non-toxic (For example, from Cr +6 to Cr +3 ), thus Bio magnification into the human chain is less of a concern.